Sunday, July 17, 2011

Health Care System In Saudi Arabia


   Health system in my country is free for all people , even the foreigners. But we are suffering from a shortage of qualified health employee. If I could change the health system in the in my country, I would like to build up universities and colleges to study medicine and medical science for the Saudis students. And I will support education in the field of medicine and provide all the needs for themBecause the health care system  and education system , in my point of view, are two of the most important Issues of the developed countries. In near future I expect that we will stop bringing doctors from out of country, they are not bad at all but, it will be much better if they are form the same country.

Prevention is better than cure "
Thank you


  1. I believe the problem of shortage of doctors in your country will be solved one day,and you can rely on your own country instead of bringing doctors from other countries. The policy of scholarship in your country is very good, and this will truly encourage a lot of students choose this major.I hope your country's health system become perfect,so maybe one day we can go to your country to enjoy the health insurance.heihei~~~haha~~

  2. Great idea,man! I like your King who sets all people in country free for health care.You can also be the king of KSA.I wish to visit you some day!!!Thanks for sharing about your country's health care system.


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