Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11 Prospective

9/11 From different Prospectives

(1st Prospective)

  First, I will talk about the 9/11 disaster from my point of view. As a Muslim, totally I don’t agree with what happened on 9/11. Also we can’t attribute the result to any religion. What most people and the media said about Islam was very wrong and the real Islam is not what they thought or what they showed. What happened in 9/11 was something accurately planned to attach the economy of the united state and the world as well. But, unfortunately, the American government took exaggerated reaction on the 9/11 disaster. They shouldn’t treat it like that. When we compare the number of people died in 9/11 with the number of people were killed by the American army in the name of “The war against terrorism”, we can see the huge difference between them. Apart from the approximately 2,669 United States casualties, 372 foreign nationals were killed in 9/11. And conducted August 12–19, 2007, estimated 1,033,000 violent deaths due to the Iraq War. The range given was 946,000 to 1,120,000 deaths. A nationally representative sample of approximately 2,000 Iraqi adults answered whether any members of their household (living under their roof) were killed due to the Iraq War. 22% of the respondents had lost one or more household members. When facing the damage and the conflict that happened among the Iraqi people caused by the U.S. military, they said “We are sorry. We made a mistake.” From what they called it as “Weapons of mass destruction”, we can see that the war to them was nothing. What’s more, they even did not pay any compensation to the Iraqis, except the damage and the Civil War.

(2nd Prospective)

  On the contrary, American government thought their attitude to the 9/11 was correct. They saw the great loss caused by the terrorism, and revenge was the only thing them could do. By revenging, they could not only let others to know that America was a powerful country, but also could gain some benefits from the war. Moreover, responding to American citizen’s hatred to Iraq was a good way to gain the citizen’s satisfaction to American government. Also they regarded this as a justice behavior which made a contribution to the world’s peace.

That's my opinion, take it or leave it.
Thank you


  1. Well Yousif, as you say, and I agree completely, just because the persons that allegedly committed the attacks on the Twin Towers happened to be Muslims, we cannot understand those events as religious war and we must not generalize and say that Muslims are terrorists. Some members of all religions do terrible things but that doesn’t speak of the religion as a whole or of the believers in general. I think one of the worse mistakes after 9/11 was to stigmatize Muslims.

  2. Yousif, Thank you so much for sharing your comments openly and honestly. One of the greatest benefits of learning and teaching in an international environment is the opportunity to expand our worldviews and grow as citizens of the world. I hope that you always find our classroom to be a safe place for expression, where you are free from judgement and you and your opinions are respected.
    And yes, Daniel and Yousif, I certainly agree that one of the greatest tragedies in the aftermath of 9/11 was the propaganda and hostility directed at Muslims.

  3. Thank you Dan. I really

    Thank you miss.Linda for your support and engagement.

    I wish peace for all the world.

  4. It is clear and deepen your analysis true that we sometimes difficultad to recognize and injure our life easy by accepting things for one deep. At this time neigher religion nor ourselves personally our individuality, we have absolute truth on criteria, not very clear of our rulers.

  5. I agree your opinion.despite what you sees as the successes achieved on the ground to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan ,Arrested many of Muslims but the America is Lost a lot of soldiers , In addition to America lost a lot of money that affected the economy.
    thank you yousif


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