Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Holiday

  I’m going to talk about thanksgiving  holiday from my prospective as non-American and non-European too. To be honest i did not get the main idea of this Holiday .Because i looked through the Internet and i found a lot of story about thanksgiving. Some of them are support the pilgrim and some are against. I asked one of my friends form Italy about are they celebrate thanksgiving holiday in Europe or not. She answer "first of all in Europe we don't celebrate thanksgiving at all
this is the main point i think." So from the Eurocentric perspective they don't celebrate this holiday. On there hand, native American they won't be happy in the day of thanksgiving. Because they feel that their land robbed by the pilgrims. However, some of the native American celebrate the thanksgiving day in the concept of they are are part of a very select group of survivors from the European invasion.

Thank you.
written by / Yousif

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Showtimes for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Showtimes for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1
   (2:20) (4:55)7:30  (2:20) (4:55)7:30  (11:50)(2:20) (4:55)7:30 10:00  (11:50) (2:20)(4:55) 7:3010:00  

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